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        1 - Cause and effect relationship between ethics and environmental protection in Buddhism
        Alireza  Soleymanzadeh
        Different religions around the world have provided constructive solutions in the field of solving various human problems. Buddhism paid a lot of attention to the natural environment from the very beginning. Regarding the importance of the present research, it should be More
        Different religions around the world have provided constructive solutions in the field of solving various human problems. Buddhism paid a lot of attention to the natural environment from the very beginning. Regarding the importance of the present research, it should be noted that the researches that have been conducted on Buddhist religious texts have not paid much attention to the environmental views of this religion and have often investigated its philosophical, psychological and therapeutic aspects. Considering the many environmental problems that have critically threatened vegetative, bestial and human life, the contemporary world needs extensive research in the field of nature protection so that the experiences of other schools can be used. The main achievement of this research will be to show how Buddhism tries to preserve nature by linking ethics and environment.The current research will try to advance the research by using the historical research method and by referring to first-hand (original) and research sources.The results of the research also indicate that, according to Buddha, change is part of the nature of the environment; but moral vices (such as cruelty, avidity, hoarding, prodigality, burglary, arrogance, etc.) will speed up the destruction of the world as a cause and effect. Manuscript profile